Breast augmentation

If you would like to alter the shape or look of your breasts, we offers a range of solutions. We provide breast augmentations, breast lifts, breast reductions, nipple reductions, nipple revisions and areola reductions to help you love the way you look and enhance your self-confidence.

Breast Augmentation with Implant

Small or medium breasts can be enlarged and evenly shaped for a natural look with breast augmentation. The surgery takes 2-3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. You must be fasting for eight hours beforehand.

A fixable bra should be worn for two months afterward. Sutures are removed after 14 days. We will detail all necessary aftercare instructions to you so that you feel completely prepared to proceed and know exactly what to expect.


Breast Lift

From ageing, weight loss, reduction surgery or breastfeeding, the tissue and skin of the breasts lose elastic fibres, resulting in drooping. A lift can help regain volume and elasticity. The procedure takes 3-5 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. You must fasting for 8 hours before surgery and plan on being hospitalised for a day. The sutures are removed after 14-21 days.


Breast Reduction

If your breasts feel heavy, bulky and cause back pain, you may be an appropriate candidate for a breast reduction. This procedure takes 3-5 hours while you are under general anesthesia. You must fast for 8 hours beforehand and plan on being hospitalised for one day. The sutures are removed after 1 week.

There are three methods for breast reduction:

  1. Vertical incision. The surgical area is designed, then a vertical incision made. Part of the skin around the areola and nipple is excised and then fat and mammary gland tissue can be removed. The nipple and areola are then put back into place.
  2. Areola incision. The surgical area is designed and then an incision is made around the areola. A part of the skin around the areola and nipple is excised and then fat and mammary gland tissue can be removed.
  3. Complex incision. The surgical area is designed and incisions are made vertically from the areola and horizontally by the breast line. Fat and mammary gland tissue are removed and the areola and nipple replaced.